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Home/ Dedicated/ Rent network equipment for corporate network. Advantages of the service from CloudKleyer

Rent network equipment for corporate network. Advantages of the service from CloudKleyer

Network equipment refers to devices that allow you to create and control digital networks. The main purpose of these devices is to transfer information and provide communication.

Creating corporate networks usually requires expensive equipment and it is not always profitable to purchase it. Especially when it comes to project and temporary solutions or if you need to quickly integrate a new network segment. The best solution in such a situation is to rent or lease network equipment, which can significantly reduce the cost of organizing the project.

CloudKleyer provides network equipment for leasing for several years with the option of monthly payments of 2-3% of the cost. The price is fixed in the contract and does not change. After the end of the agreement, the equipment becomes the property of the lessee. If you want to lease network equipment for creating corporate networks, send us a request, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Selection of devices for corporate network organization directly depends on the business objectives and the scale of the infrastructure. Implementation of complex solutions requires highly qualified technicians, knowledge of advanced technologies and design approaches. The customer’s in-house administrators do not always have such skills, so seeking help from a provider is often the best way out. Consulting services on the organization of corporate networks CloudKleyer provides free of charge.

Rent network equipment for corporate network

What network equipment is necessary for a corporate network

Traditionally, all network equipment is divided into active and passive types.

Active network equipment includes the following:

  • Firewalls
  • Switches
  • Routers
  • Wireless Access Points

Passive equipment is not used for signal amplification and is always a complement to active equipment.

Passive network equipment includes the following:

  • Media Converters
  • Transceivers
  • Unmanaged switches
  • Cables

Passive equipment has a relatively low cost, so it is not subject to rental. Most often firewalls, switches and routers are rented. Learn more about them below.


Firewalls are security devices; another name for them is inter-network screens. Firewalls monitor and control network signals. In almost all cases, they are used as filters between different networks and network zones. These devices can protect the network from DDoS attacks, block spoofed traffic, and stop data going to an unknown IP address.

A firewall can be implemented as hardware or as hardware-software solution. The choice of the right option in each case depends on the tasks at hand. Firewalls are both specialized and universal. There are hybrid versions, which require very high qualification of personnel to configure.

The key criteria for selecting a firewall are:

  • Port bandwidth
  • Number of VPN channels supported simultaneously
  • Regular online software updates from the vendor’s repository


Switches link all the devices connected to the network. The switch detects MAC address and sends data only to the node for which the signal is intended. Such equipment helps to optimize network operation, improve its performance and security.

Switches can be managed or unmanaged:

  • Unmanaged: work effectively only when the network is not under heavy load. Under heavy loads, they are unable to maintain high transmission speeds, and the lack of customization reduces the overall security level of the network.

Unmanaged switches

  • Managed: support SNMP and VLAN protocols. With SNMP, you can remotely manage the switch and collect data from it. In particular, this is necessary for monitoring and collecting statistics. LAN allows you to integrate multiple devices into a network regardless of their physical location. The advantages of managed switches become fully evident when organizing large-scale networks with a large number of connected devices.

Managed switches

If the task is to increase bandwidth or organize a fault-tolerant solution, stackable switches are often used. Using stacking, you can synchronize the operation of several physical switches, and the server receives signal from them as from single device.

Stacking allows you to aggregate the channels and thus increase the bandwidth of the network. Control is also simplified, as a single interface is used to manage such switches. The fault tolerance of the system also increases, as the failure of one physical device does not critically affect the operation of the entire network. Stacking technology has different names from one manufacturer to another.

Technology Manufacturer
Stack Cisco
Virtual Chassis Juniper
Logical Chassis Extreme
iStack Huawei


Routers are needed to transfer data from one network to another. A router receives data and determines the best path to send it to its destination. The optimal path is selected by using routing tables used at the software level. Routers can be called a more advanced version of switches.

Interestingly, managed switches are more expensive than routers because they have the functionality to prioritize and assign ports. In addition, managed switches can be used for network segmentation because they can support multiple virtual networks running simultaneously .

Sometimes high-speed Cloud Core Routers are used to organize networks. Their main difference is the cloud computing principle. If in classic routers all settings are physically stored in the memory of the device itself, cloud devices are able to use remote servers for routing calculations. This method allows you to scale computing power to almost any value, but the cloud method is not yet considered reliable. Experienced network engineers prefer to use classic type routers simply because they are proven and predictable.

Advantages of renting network equipment from CloudKleyer

Renting network equipment is a way to significantly reduce the cost of organizing corporate infrastructure. We take responsibility for the technical implementation of the project and offer additional services.

Benefits of cooperation with CloudKleyer

  • We take care of all maintenance of the equipment. If something breaks, our technicians will replace any components or the entire equipment free of charge. The contract specifies not only the terms of emergency replacement, but also guarantees for information security and the level of fault tolerance of the created network.
  • Quick launch. Rented equipment does not need to be ordered from the manufacturer, we already have everything we need in stock. Setup and launch are as fast as possible, and if necessary, the system can be quickly scaled up.
  • We take care of licensing issues. The client does not have to worry about paying licenses to individual hardware and software vendors. All network devices receive current firmware versions and updates directly from the manufacturer.
  • Post-warranty service on a subscription basis. If the client pays a subscription fee, we will replace any components or equipment, including the most expensive and obsolete ones, free of charge.
  • Rent of network equipment on leasing terms. Rent payments are counted as lease payments, and after 2-3 years the equipment becomes the client’s property. There are two advantages at once. Firstly, leasing payments can be registered as expenses, and this will save from 15 to 30% on VAT. Secondly, under the terms of leasing the client pays only 2-3% of the equipment cost every month, for example, if the total cost is €10,000, the first payment will be only €200.

When it is beneficial to rent network equipment

In most cases, network equipment is rented when it is necessary to create a large-scale infrastructure or organize a temporary solution. Renting is relevant for projects that require the use of dozens or even hundreds of devices. It is possible to reduce risks and costs by leasing.

Organizing a corporate virtual network

Modern virtualization technologies allow you to combine several networks physically located in different regions so that the system sees them as one whole network. Such a scheme is called Site-to-Site VPN.

For example, a company based in Germany opens an office and production facilities in another country. A server room is set up in the other country, to which all regional offices are connected. Then, using network equipment and virtualization technologies, the created network is integrated into the overall corporate network located in Germany. During the integration process, it is always possible to further segment the network, customize access levels and data exchange processes. Authorization processes will remain uniform for the entire network, including the use of smart cards or biometrics.

The encryption technologies of the Site-to-Site VPN scheme are very secure and protect the system from possible traffic interception. Urgent creation of a new network infrastructure is required for companies opening representative offices in other countries, as well as during merger or acquisition processes.

Organizing a corporate virtual network

Organizing an international corporate communication channel

In some cases, companies need to create an isolated high-speed communication channel between locations located in different countries. Such service is especially in demand when traditional communications become impossible due to political, legal or economic restrictions. With the help of rented network equipment you can create a temporary or permanent channel, which will be isolated from the Internet and fully protected from DDoS attacks.

If you need to organize a corporate network or create a high-speed secure connection between offices in different countries or geographical regions, leave a request for a free consultation with CloudKleyer support manager. To do so, click the button below, provide your contact information and summarize your request. We will get back to you as soon as possible.